The most important question before you apply for a loan should be the question about the amount of your monthly loan instalment. After all, taking out a loan must fit your individual budget. You can calculate your loan instalment without obligation using our online loan calculator.
Does the monthly loan instalment have room in the budget?
Once you have calculated a potential monthly loan instalment, be sure to take a look at your budget: Does the monthly instalment have room in it? You should clarify this question before you apply for a loan. Calculate your monthly income and regular expenses accurately and plan for a financial buffer - the space for the loan instalment in the budget should not be too tight.
Budget planning for your personal loan
Consider the following expenses in your budget planning: Regular household expenses, your rent or mortgage, monthly premiums for compulsory health insurance and monthly tax burden. In addition, professional expenses as well as any maintenance contributions and any other fixed monthly expenses must also be taken into account. In the case of a loan, the total term determines, among other things, the amount of the monthly loan instalment. Within the scope of application of the Consumer Credit Act, lenders are legally obliged to check whether you can repay your credit within 36 months, whereby within the scope of the creditworthiness check, even in the case of a longer term, only the interest accruing during 36 months is to be taken into account.